Personal Protective Kit is a personal protective gear design to provide safety to the workers’ health by reducing the contact to an infection or virus. The PPE set is classified into various components which are PPE goggles, PPE gloves, PPE coverall (also known as gowns), shoe cover, and head cover. The medical PPE kit is kept in a PPE box to mark it safe from any type of infection and the PPE box is opened only when a worker or health employee is ready to make use of PPE. The complete PPE kit price and individual PPE cost will depend on the material used to manufacture it and the number of components available. PPE suit is used in various industries like medical, construction, and fire-fighting. There are various types of PPE available in the market according to the use and requirements of the workers.
Why is PPE Essential?
Making a safer workplace comprises procedures, instructions, supervision, and training to inspire employees to work responsibly and safely.
Even all the workplaces are equipped with safety systems and engineering controls, some threats might be a problem. Some of these threats are:
- The head and feet, for example: from dropping items
- The skin, for example: being in corrosive material contact
- The lungs, for example: by inhaling infected air
- The eyes, for example: from droplets of corrosive liquids or flying elements
- The body, for example: from excesses of cold or heat
PPE gear is required in all these cases to minimize the risk. These points show the importance of a safety personal protective equipment kit.
Why PPE is not considered first?
Many options are considered and applied before using a PPE kit in order to control or remove a threat. It’s not because PPE is not useful, it’s because other notions reduce the threat in such a way that it can be beneficial for all the people while PPE can provide complete protection to only one person who wears it. It is used in extremely critical conditions where all the other options fail to control the risk.
- As compared to the other safety measure, a PPE can protect the wearer only and not the other people, while applying other safety measures can protect other people also.
- A personal protection kit rarely offers protection of a maximum level while other norms can help to achieve real level protection. It’s because other measures are applied to control a normal threat while a safety personal protective equipment kit is not used unless the threat reaches the critical level (that happens very less). A PPE kit may not be properly fitted and maintained like the other safety norms because of its rare use and that’s why it is considered as less effective.
- A person wearing PPE suit for the first time may face many issues like low vision and movement because of the heavy-weight of the PPE safety equipment.
- Use of personal protection kit may distract the wearer from the consequences of the hazard they are currently dealing with.
All these points don’t prove that PPE is not required or it is not necessary, in fact, it is the last hope to fight against any threat which cannot be controlled by applying all the other methods. Whether it is related to a construction threat, fire threat, or medical purpose, use of personal protective equipment is always the last hope to reduce the risk. However, personal protective equipment kit is widely used in medical field because of the various infections that can transmit into a health worker while treating a patient. As the Coronavirus outbreaks, PPE suit has gained more importance. There are many types of PPE suits available in the market manufactured by different brands. The PPE price also varies according to the brand and material used in the manufacturing of PPE.
Types of Personal Protective Equipment
We are going to discuss each component of PPE (PPE kit list) and their uses separately. Please have a look at the details of PPE equipment list:
Face Shield PPE and PPE Googles
There is a high possibility of infection of mucous membrane of the eyes, mouth, and nose due to the tiny water droplets produced by sneeze of an infected person, cough, or during aerosol generating procedures performed in a clinical setting. Unintentionally touching the eyes/mouth/nose is another situation of getting an infection. That is why it is necessary to wear face shield PPE or PPE Goggles in order to protect your eyes, mouth, and nose from getting infection. The flexible frame of PPE goggles should offer good seal with the skin of face, covering the eyes and the nearby areas and even accommodating for prescription glasses. Face Shield PPE is a key component of medical PPE kit because the chances of entering an infection in a body are very high from the upper part such as eyes, mouth, and nose.
The major targets of respiratory viruses are the lower and upper respiratory tracts. Therefore, it is important to protect the airways from that specific human infection produced due to droplets and aerosols. The infection of mucous membrane of the nose and mouth by these droplets or through an infected hand also permits the virus to pass in the host. Therefore, it is essential to take precautions from these air droplets using a surgical mask while treating a suspect or a confirmed case of an infected person executing aerosol generating procedures.
There are many types of face masks available in the market. The type of mask to be used in a particular situation will depend on the risk profile of the person and his work. The type and quality will depend on the PPE set price.
PPE Gloves
When you touch something infected by a patient and then put your hands on your mouth, nose or eyes, then you are making direct contact with the virus and the risk of contamination is much higher. Although it is not considered to be the major transmission mode, care should be done while touching objects that might have been infected.
PPE Coverall / Gowns
A PPE coverall is designed to protect the whole body of a health care worker from the exposure of viruses and infections. The PPE coverall offers 360-degree protection to the wearer’s body including backs, lower legs, and sometimes foot and head also. But, it is not necessary that it will provide complete body protection, there might be some opening anywhere and that’s why additional protection components are required to be used with the gowns.
Shoe Covers
The covers for shoe are made using impermeable fabric which is used to cover the shoes to facilitate decontamination and protection.
Head Covers
Protective coveralls (also known as PPE Helmet) are used to cover the complete head. Individuals who wear PPE coverall should also wear head cover as additional protection to protect the head and neck while dealing with a patient. The protective coverall should cover the hairs and its extensions also.
Selection and Use of PPE
There are a few questions that you need to ask yourself:
- Who is infected and to what?
- How long are they will remain infected?
- How much are they infected to?
While making the selection of PPE and then using it:
- Select only those which are CE certified in agreement with the Safety Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002 – you can take advise from the PPE suppliers
- Select kit that is comfortable for the user according to the weight, size, and fitting. If the PPE suppliers help individuals select it, then it will be easy to consider and use.
- If you are willing to wear more than one personal safety equipment, then ensure that you can wear the two at the same time. For example, wearing glasses may disturb the respirator seal and it can result in air leakage.
- Educate and train others how to use these PPE kits, for example, educate others to remove PPE gloves without infecting your skin. Tell others why it is necessary when to utilize, what are its restrictions.
Other advice on Personal Protection Kit
- Always check with your PPE suppliers which PPE is suitable. Don’t forget to explain your work to them.
- Never permit exemptions while you wear PPE for those work that requires only a few moments.
- If there is any confusion, take advice from a specialist.
Maintenance of PPE Gear
You must have to take care of PPE kit properly and it should be put in the PPE box when not in use. If the PPE is reusable, then you have to clean it properly and keep it in good condition.
Think about:
- Keeping replacement PPE safety equipment available.
- Use the correct replacement parts similar to the original, like respirator filters.
- How maintenance can be done and who is accountable for it.
- Having a source of suitable disposable PPE suits that are useful in dirty work and the cost of laundry would be too much, for example for visiting people who require protective gown.
Workers must use PPE properly and report its fault, destruction, or loss if found any.
Observe and Examine
- Keep a check on the utilization of PPE. If not used, then figure out why not.
- Safety signals can be a suitable reminder that a PPE is already worn.
- Make proper note of any modifications in materials, PPE equipment, and methods – you might have to update what you give.
Considering these factors can help you reduce the PPE kit price to an extent. The use of PPE again and again by taking proper measures can help to reduce the extra expenses and keeps the PPE price in your budget.
Importance of Safety Personal Protective Equipment Kit
Health workers depend on medical PPE kit to mark themselves and their patients safe from getting infected and infecting other people also. But, according to WHO, during the outbreak of a new virus, the shortage of personal protective equipment medical kit leaves nurses, doctors, all medical staff, and other frontline workers hazardously ill-equipped. Whenever a new infection or virus outbursts, PPE kit price increases as per the demand and supply in the market. We can see an increase in the price of all the components of safety PPE list including masks and gloves. As we know, PPE kits are used rarely so the production is also limited. Most of the time, it is only used by health workers, construction workers, and fire-fighting workers. But during the case of emergencies, the requirement could be doubled, tripled, or more. If there is a sudden increase in demand, then PPE suppliers can take months to deliver all the components available in the personal protective equipment list.
The use of personal protective equipment kit may not be common, but it is an important assent to fight against dangerous threats whose effect can blow mankind apart.
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